By Kate of Bomdiggity Blog
I have actually sat on this documentary for quite a while, and just recently sat through the whole 1:30 and watched it. It was well worth it as it gives you an account of Amin’s regime from his perspective (even though convoluted).
Iddi Amin was quite a hilarious fellow. Aside from growing up with Iddi Amin being the poster child for cannibalism, this film gave me insight I never had before. Not to give any spoilers, but Amin was quite the entertainer, he plays a musical instrument — who would have thought that? He had other skills besides eating human flesh, and for not having formal education he was quite intelligent and charismatic. This too was an excellent portrayal of his EGO.

He overly flexes his military weight throughout the film which makes me wish for footage of the beat down he got from Tanzania later on.
So here are a few wise words from the man himself:
To avoid hijackers do not fly Portuguese, Israeli or South African airways.
You can educate the people through traditional songs and dances.
As a pilot you must know you are not going back to your place, you must go to complete your mission unless God blesses you.
As a doctor you should be clean as a person, not drunk.
Look out for the telegram he sent Nyerere (too funny!).
For more footage here is a 29-minute feature of Idi Amin.
I still don’t believe the cannibalism part of Iddi Amin story.
hata mimi hili swala la kula nyama ya watu bado siliamini sana, lakini kitu kimoja sote tunaweza kukubaliana ni, uchekeshaji wake. Jamaa alikuwa kwenye cabinet meeting, dah, funny stuff…
He should have been a comedian. 18:45 he stops the interview and starts talking about elephants.
@ Bahati. “… anybody found is spy, his case must be dealt with military tribe-unions…. once confirmed not waist time.. must be shot-cut…”
Wow. I have just finished watching. He was something….very funny guy and a very hard worker. I think that he would make an excellent positive leader if he was not a dictator. He can sure predict “since now that we have a black U.S president”. I actually like his idea of empowering the Black Americans by introducing Kiswahili to them. Too sad though, he killed so many innocent people. And, his idea of expelling all the Indians out of Uganda for economic freedom of the Ugandans was ridiculous.
Talk about characters, this guy was something, its a comedy combined with sadness, for people under him, what a caricature!
I couldn’t stop laughing, his English was very poor, his orders were outlandish, his cronies were more than puppets, I found him hilarious, absolutely mental, maybe because we are living in different age, but I can’t just figure out how seized the whole of Uganda, his comrades should have known better! They gave a monster a chance and it came back to haunt them!
What an interview! This should be a comedy classic interview, you might be forgiven to think this guy was just acting!
Priceless vijana blog!
I am glad this gave you all a chuckle as it did for me…
I know do not say elephants but Elepaaants!
Iddi Amin was a class act!
anyways one thing i noted was his parties were not jam packed and as happening as other depictions would have you believe, i’d imagine people would not want to drink scotch and tackle the man.
I also loved his efficiency suggestions to his ministers…and wow this man had his own medicine program!
Alafu alivyomchokoza Mwalimu…priceless hahaha!
Amin is a saint if you compare him to Yoweri Museveni. Amin was a nationalist. He cared about developing the country. He did not loot the country as Museveni has done.
Museveni is worse. The world is yet know him for the atrostrocities his has committed in Uganda , Rwanda and Congo.
If you care read this book:
You will learn what Museveni exposed,
I real like this man. He was a real leader to compare to the leaders now in Africa.
First of all, he didn’t copy his leadership from anybody everything came on from his brain (mind). He never made a big deal to be a leader (president), he was doing a normal life with people, for example he was local dancing, swimming, and he was doing all regularly life. He loves every body and wishes the best to all. He was speaking for the truth and he was a real honest.
Second, I think he was doing a dictatorship only when you go against him or the country. Which now days we see a lot leaders are stealing a government money and betraying the Constitution without paying the cost, just resigning a position, you should get a real punishment like what Idi Amin Dada did to his people.
For all his faults, he sounds down to earth and quite honest about his background. Has very many Similarities with Yoweri Museveni in use of military Tribunals, revolutionary zeal and obsession with destruction of human beings through firing squads etc. I guess if he was a little bit more educated he would have been more efficient.
As for cannibalism, well, propaganda from the british who were smitten by his relief effort “Save Britain Fund”. Wonder why they did not pick it. It was a good gesture. I too would love to see a footage of the war with Tanzania.
He definitely was so full of himself. Marry Nyerere indeed. Africa can really produce some classics that rivals Asia and Europe in the class of Pinochet and Hitler.
Nice piece.
General Amin was a great leader who was determined and want the best for africans and his country uganda in particular i realy love Amin. Strict observance of laws and orders not d dubious kinds of leaders we have 2day in africa they make d laws and they b d first to disrespect it. We need men like Amin in africa. General Amin neva eat human flesh all of dat were fabricated against him by d west bcos he neva bow to them they tried to portray him as a very cruel fellow, just like they did in “innocence of muslim” na lie lie full their mouth. Rest in peace general Amin.