New kid on the block

Jamani, jamani!

I couldn’t just keep to myself what I came across just a few minutes ago. And I believe there are a number of poetry fanatics visiting Vijana FM who would surely appreciate this post.

Location: Dar

I’ll be honest with you guys first: Poetry is not my thing (yes, I said it… I know it’s controversial in some quarters and all that). But I do tend to enjoy reading excellent poems once in a while that keep me going. In case you missed it, the most important words in the previous sentence are ‘excellent’ and ‘poems’!

So, while I am chillin here waiting for The Trail of Bahati’s Shadows (I know, it’s taking like forever!), I am certainly enjoying Maya’s poems. There is something about the kid.

I am that girl that runs barefoot on the heels of her happily-ever-after
I’m going to be that person that dares to claim the sky with my laughter

I will refuse to be called mistress because I don’t have a master

and f**% it I’ll curse if that gets to the point faster…

Visit the following blog to read her poems: You can also get in touch with her on Twitter.
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Steven was born and raised in Dar es Salaam, and moved to Germany for his studies. He graduated with a BSc. in Physics (Jacobs University Bremen), and then a MSc. in Engineering Physics (Technische Universität München). Steven is currently pursuing a PhD in Physics (growth of coatings/multilayers for next generation lithography reflective optics) in the Netherlands. He’s thinking about starting his own business in a few years; something high-tech related. At Vijana FM, Steven discusses issues critical to youths in Tanzania, music, sport and a host of other angles. He’s also helping Vijana FM with a Swahili translation project.

This post has 5 Comments

  1. thats very true SN..the themes in her poems are very political/ social conscious. I love her writing, very touchy and they have the power to provoke ones thoughts….

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