We have just added data from the World Bank and IMF websites onto our “Other useful links” page for Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda. This is part of some work we are doing to improve the usability of our resource bank.
If you have more resources that you think would be directly applicable to our youth constituency in East Africa, please do send them our way.
Also, do you have any thoughts on how we can start a similar bank for research? That is, how can Vijana FM assist in providing a platform for the academic work being done by East African scholars for the benefit of East Africa, regardless of their current location? Drop us an e-mail, or comment below.
Excellent job, mzee!
Next step will be to create a space for East African students breaking new ground in the academic world.. ahem ahem. I’ll be knocking on your door for any papers that your profs have not withheld! We need a JSTOR for Tanzania
Good boy lazima vijana tuwe pamoja now… ie EACO youth
AK. The JSTOR for Tanzania idea is really cool.
I think any academic work is legit, not just those that are “published” in journals. That is, we should offer a space where any papers the Tanzanian/East African student diaspora has submitted for their studies can be thrown in (voluntarily, of course). In turn, this space should be searchable and easily browsable.
After all, writing a paper for a class takes work, including looking into past works and referencing them… so what’s the point of writing the paper – especially if you’re fully vested into it – when it will just be contained within the class?
Academia shouldn’t be a business. It can involve business, sure, but the primary concern should be knowledge. Why does it cost to browse knowledge (eg: JSTOR subscription)?
Hey everyone,
I am supporting this. And please, we have launched a new network [ http://www.yestanzania.org ], which is global and has chapters for each country. We have news bulletins… I am [kindly] asking you to write scientific articles for this network, too.
We will be more than grateful. In the meantime, we are still developing the website; visit and you can post the comments. Let’s make the platform for science strong in our countries. Do send me information to upload onto the website if it’s worth sharing with young Tanzania scientists: yestanzania@yahoo.com