Whilst browsing Vijana FM, have you ever wished you could stay abreast on the comments as well as the posts? That is, do you ever feel like you need to know where the hottest conversation is on the blog?
That is what a Comments RSS feed is for.
What is an RSS feed?
RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, and comprises of a few different formats in which information that is regularly updated can be stored in a small “feed” file, thus called an RSS feed.
So when a blog like Vijana FM has new stuff, other websites and blogs that have subscribed to its RSS feed will also be updated, straight from Vijana FM.
What is a Comments RSS feed?
A Comments RSS feed is similar to a conventional feed for posts, except it keeps tracks of most-up-to-date comments.
Why is a Comments RSS feed useful?
Simply put, a Comments RSS feed helps readers keep track of the most-commented on posts. It is basically a way to see what people are talking about most.
The latest post on a blog is not necessarily the most talked about topic, because some readers are drawn to older posts that discuss popular issues.
How do I subscribe to Vijana FM’s feeds?
On the top-right panel of any webpage you are visiting on Vijana FM, you will find small avatars indicating links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, as well Post and Comments RSS feeds:

You can click on these avatars to go straight to the feed themselves (green comment box = Comments RSS, orange ‘wave’ box = Post or Entries RSS), and use it however you like. You may install it in your blog or website, or simply use it with Feed Aggrigators – which are basically news headline consolidators that you can customize – like Google Reader.
You will also see options for the Post (“Entries”) and Comments RSS feeds on the right-hand-side Admin Options menu:

How can I build an RSS feed for my blog?
Check out Feed2Js, and use their Build option, where you can enter the RSS feed address for your blog, and customize how the headlines show up when your feed is subscribed to.
There are several other feed builders that you can search for, but Feed2Js is known to be one stable option.
Get in touch with us and let us know how we can help you integrate our feeds on your web pages, or how else you can use our feeds for a project. Karibu!