Zitto Kabwe

Steven was born and raised in Dar es Salaam, and moved to Germany for his studies. He graduated with a BSc. in Physics (Jacobs University Bremen), and then a MSc. in Engineering Physics (Technische Universität München). Steven is currently pursuing a PhD in Physics (growth of coatings/multilayers for next generation lithography reflective optics) in the Netherlands. He’s thinking about starting his own business in a few years; something high-tech related. At Vijana FM, Steven discusses issues critical to youths in Tanzania, music, sport and a host of other angles. He’s also helping Vijana FM with a Swahili translation project.

This post has 1 Comment

  1. “Tumeweka Msingi, sasa Tujenge” nimeipenda. Jamaa amaweka ahadi za 2005 and aliyofanikisha hadi 2010. Pia nimemsikiliza akitoa hoja bungeni, the guy is very articulate,PLUS anakuwa na facts, numbers to back up his claims. Wanasiasa wengi Tanzania hawafanyi hivi.

    Upinzani sidhani kama wamekuwa stable enough kuongoza nchi, manake kila leo wanahama vyama ya siasa. Zitto aendelee kuwa mbunge na kuendeleza Kigoma, in due time 2020 or 2025 he can run for the presidency. Manake kibaya chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza. Watu by then wataona maendeleo aliyofanya.

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