I met Huzefa recently at the launch of his new book “Winning the Battle: How to pass exams without fear“. Huzefa is a leading training consultant who has helped hundreds of students to achieve academic and personal excellence. In this book, he shares his unique perspective and advice, plus offers detailed and easy-to-understand strategies relating to passing exams without fear.
Huzefa has shared his experience at various career conferences and has had articles published in The Citizen and S&C magazine. His achievements have also been regularly featured in regional media such as The Citizen, The Guardian and The East African. He also writes a weekly column for the The Citizen on Tuesdays.
Huzefa is truly passionate about helping youth, particularly students reach their full potential. I asked Huzefa to share his thoughts for Vijana.fm readers.
1. What inspired you to write this book?
Mass failures that resulted in form four examinations inspired me to write this book so that I can share the proven techniques that I have personally used to help other students. There is lack of awareness amongst the students about basic examination skills necessary to be acquired before appearing in any exams.
2. What response have you got so far from students, parents and educators?
I have received excellent response from all the parties concerned. Parents have been delighted with valuable insights given in chapter 3 of the book. Students have come to realize the common mistakes they make in exams and getting to know the techniques to pass exams without fear. Moreover educators have recommended this book as a must read to every student who sits for exams.
3. What were some of the challenges that you faced in writing, publishing and marketing your book?
You always face problems in pricing and selling your book. Bookstores and Customers tend to compare the price of the book with the number of pages instead of its content value. Publishers always want to take longer time to reach a decision; therefore patience is the main requirement if you want to be successful as an author.
4. What advice would you give to any prospective writers in Tanzania?
Always undertake your research comprehensively before you jump start your writing process. Understand the needs of the target market for which you are writing and keep in mind that marketing holds the key to the success of your book.
5. What’s next for you? Do you see yourself publishing more books?
After success of my new book “Winning the Battle: How to pass exams without fear”, I am definitely looking forward to publishing more books and spreading the message across the borders too.
The book is available in Tanzania at
- All Novel Idea Bookstores (Slipway, Shopper’s Plaza, Oyster bay shopping centre, Steer’s Complex, Arusha, Zanzibar)
- Scholastic Book Store at Mlimani City
The author can be reached at huzefa (at) mindtreetz.com
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Huzefa is this you? I almost didn’t recognize you with the beard but the name gave you away …..lol
Congratulations on your achievements, this is absolutely wonderful!
It’s good to see a book on such an important subject written for the youth by someone so young. It just prove the fact that vijana have a lot to share and contribute to the society
hey sakura, how have you been? yes that’s me with a little beard these days
and thanks a lot for the good words. Really appreciate that.
Indeed it is true that youth in this country can make a lot of difference given a chance and right platform. The book has really helped hundreds of students who have read and implemented the ideas stated in the book.
Please share the News with others.
Thanks and regards
I wish could get my copy.