As we approach the end of the year 2014, I take this to reflect on the big headlines of the news and what we really need to keep in mind and why.
Ebola has been the latest most deadly outbreak in West Africa and has orphaned many children and destabilized families and the society in general. Why is Ebola really a concern? It kills! So does Malaria and HIV! Ebola has no openly known prevention nor sustainable treatment options. That’s why it needs our special attention. A country with a healthy people is a wealthy nation, they say. That’s true. Africa has been and still is the source of labor and raw materials for the tech industry and all the development in the world. This says something and why it’s worth investing in Africa. We invest in Africa by sustaining its resources and protecting its people. That’s how we should really invest in Africa.
There are only two things involved: if you don’t sustain, you destroy.
The real Africa is made of its people and resources. Invest in Africa, invest in the future of the world.
How are you investing in Africa? A question.

Cover and supporting image courtesy of BBC News (“Ebola crisis likely to last a year – WHO chief” 24-Dec 2014).