Selecting and using a domain for a website in Tanzania

A website can help your organization improve productivity and reduce cost. Whether you are a large or small entity, new or old, you can use a website to raise awareness about your work, invite enquiries from potential customers, and drive more conversions.
An important part of a website is its domain. Through our experience in working with small businesses across Tanzania, we understand that domains can often be confused with website hosting, and the regulation around .tz domains is not always well known.
Here is some guidance on selecting and using a domain for a website in Tanzania.
What is a domain?
A domain name is a string that represents an address on the Internet. Think of it like a PO Box number. In terms of websites, a domain name represents an address on a server where your web pages are stored and can be retrieved using a browser.
There are over 370 million domains registered today on the Internet!
Some of these are generic domains, such as .com, .org and .edu, while others are country-code domain names, such as .ke (Kenya), .ug (Uganda) and .tz (Tanzania).
In Tanzania, a represents a commercial entity, while a represents a not-for-profit entity. There are many more options depending on types of entities. See the full list here.

As long as your organisation operates in Tanzania, you should be getting a .tz domain according to TCRA policies. You might decide to get alternative domains, but your primary should comply with Tanzanian regulation.
Have a clear purpose
A domain is an extension of your brand, and a brand represents why you exist in the world; your purpose.
Whether your work involves freelancing, business or non-profit services, a great way to refine your purpose is to come up with a brand before you get a domain. A brand includes a name, a logo and a brand story that can help you navigate all your future communications.
A brand will also inspire your domain name.
But if you start with the domain and try to figure out your brand later, you might find yourself struggling to make it work with a brand story that develops in the future, at which point you may need to change the domain.
If you are struggling to find a purpose, but have a fantastic website idea, consider working with a service that can advise you on your goals.
Domains are part of your brand
You should consider how else your domain might be used someday – on business cards, on the back of an email address or even on a billboard.
The best domains coincide with the tone and voice of the brands they represent.
An easy exercise is to try saying the domain aloud. You might be surprised at how it sounds and change your mind!
We highly recommend you focus on using letters instead of numbers, symbols, or hyphens, as those can complicate the domain and make it difficult to remember.
Once you have thought about how the domain sounds and looks, you may want to explore what other domains are out there that are similar to your idea, in case it hasn’t already been reserved.
Some entities use different extensions that may not be applicable to the countries in which they operate, but they do fit the entity’s overall brand.
Also, use a tool like Namecheckr to validate whether your domain has been taken, and also do a few searches to ensure you are not infringing on anyone else’s copyright.
Watch the length of your domain
When it comes to website addresses, shorter is always better.
If your organisation name is long, think of abbreviating it or using one of the keywords as the domain.
For example, if your organisation is called “Domino Xavier Furniture Tanzania Limited”, you might consider or or even
Short domains are easy to read and remember.
How to register a domain in Tanzania
A domain is usually associated with a person, whether it is the entity owner or whoever supports them with their website.
Register the domain in your own name. This is important for two reasons: First, you get to know when there are domain price changes; and secondly, you reduce the risk of your domain being taken away by a third party.
Also, try to register the domain for a long term, ie: more than 1 year, or set it to auto-renew. There are lots of companies that specialise in seizing expired domains, and then adding a mark up when the previous owner wants it back.
Don’t try to buy all the extensions because you will find that there will be too many! Focus on the ones that matter most to you and fit your budget.
You can start by registering your domain with a registrar like Extreme Web Technologies from Tsh 25,000 per year. Other registrars are UCC, Kilihost and Dudumizi. All .tz domains are sold on behalf of the Tanzania Network Information Center, or tzNIC.
Setting up your domain
If you actually intend to use your domain, you’ll need to set it up with a web hosting service.
Your domain is different from your web hosting service.
A web hosting service is the server that keeps all your website files. All hosting servers will be accessible with an IP address, but these are numbers that are difficult to remember. A domain is basically a shortcut to this IP address, so visitors can see your website.
After you have set up your domain with a web hosting service, and you have built your website, you can start advertising your domain!
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For assistance on setting up your domain or website, visit Chapa Link or stay tuned here for more website education.
Header photo by Christina @ on Unsplash