5 Things that make people fail their job interviews

With unemployment being a problem to many youth in our country and the world, all one wants to do when they land a job interview is ace it to the best of their abilities and get the job.

Of course this is not a condemning article, and I’m not pretending to be blind to many factors that affect people getting jobs these days, however I’m just going to share some factors that lead to many not passing their job interviews, in hopes that they can work on these and be kind to themselves.

Don’t be hard on yourself, just use these to prepare yourself for your next interview.

So here are 5 things that make people fail their job interviews:

Lack of confidence and body language

You know how there are ways one can sit that exudes confidence? Well there are ways in which you behave in a job interview that shows that you are not confident or don’t know what you are doing.

Posture, how you stand, how you use your hands are all ways that your body language communicates to the interviewers. In a job interview you need to be confident and have a confident posture that is also open and welcoming.

And then you need to have the knowledge.


You get hired for what you know, what you will contribute to the company, your skills and expertise. Apart from being confident, you also need to show that you know what you will do, you need to show that you will contribute, you also need to show that your skills can be applied to the company. Don’t just brush it up, get detailed and be specific. And if you can also show that you know a little about the company, that will be great. Many companies love to hire people who are interested in their work and products, so do a little research. Also don’t forget to prepare.

A relatable resume

Its actually a huge mistake not to personalized your CV, cover letter and presentation in relation to the company. A lot of people are too general, while the company just wants you to be specific about your contribution, your skills and your knowledge so that they see that you fit into their company culture and job requirement.

So make sure you have a CV that is showing skills that is related to the job.

Use wisdom in answering the questions

It’s good to be honest, just don’t be honest in a way that sabotages you. When you are asked about weaknesses, don’t answer weaknesses that will show them that you can’t keep a job or aren’t a good worker. Use wisdom in answering an interview question, be human and truthful but don’t sabotage yourself with your answers.

Prepare yourself to answer normal interview questions

At this point, you know that they ask what is your weakness, what is your strength, how do you work in a team, how do you deal with challenges etc.

Before walking into the interview room make sure you know how you will answer these normal interview questions. It is okay to be caught off guard with some job or very specific questions, but prepare some answers to normal, frequently asked interview questions so that you don’t self sabotage in answering but you also leave a good impression with your prepared answers.

Hopefully these and these other tips for when you are preparing for an interview would be helpful in landing passing your next interview and landing the job. Again, don’t be so hard on yourself, just put in more work and reflection for your next job, things will work out.

Check out other posts on Jobs by Vijana FM here.

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Eunice is a multi-niche freelance writer with experience in writing health, lifestyle, finance, interviews, tech, travel, entrepreneurship, automotive, and mental health articles.

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