Entrepreneurship summit for youth in September 2011

The Tanzania Youth Entrepreneurship Summit will be held on 29th and 30th September 2011 at Ubungo Plaza in Dar-es-Salaam.

The objective of the summit is to create and initiate discussions about the promotion and facilitation of small and medium enterprises growth as a solution to the escalating problem of youth unemployment in the country. [Source: Website]

The organizers of this summit are the Young Entrepreneurs Support Initiative, the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation, and the East Africa Speakers Bureau. The summit is expected to be attended by young and aspiring entrepreneurs, financial experts, employers and exporters.

The summit fees are as follows (thanks, Zoom):

  • SME participants’ fee: TZS 25,000 (per person)
  • SME exhibition fee: TZS 30,000 (for 1 stand)
  • SME combo : TZS 100,000 (5 participants and 1 exhibition stand)
  • Corporate exhibition fee: TZS 100,000 (for 1 stand)

A full agenda of the event can be found here.

This could be a productive event to participate in for young people with sustainable business ideas. It will also be productive for those wishing to know what kinds of tools are recommended to people building a business; this will be useful in creating other initiatives that lend technical guidance in addition to funding.

To apply online, click here. To find out how to become a sponsor, click here. For more details please email info (at) eastafricaspeakers (at) net or call +255 22 2700051.

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Al-Amin founded Vijana FM in 2009. With over a decade of experience in communications, design and operations, he now runs a digital media consulting agency - Lateral Labs - in Dar-es-Salaam.

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