Five Questions with filmmaker Amil Shivji
Meet Amil, currently a filmmaking student, but someone who has already made telling documentaries in Tanzania and plans on doing it a lot more in the near future.
Meet Amil, currently a filmmaking student, but someone who has already made telling documentaries in Tanzania and plans on doing it a lot more in the near future.
Domestic productivity as a key to global competitiveness.
The media has slipped to a point of convincing people of how unreliable they just might be.
Philanthropy, according to Sasha Dichter, is about risk taking. Being generous with ones money and asking tough questions is how he envisions the betterment of the world.
We have previously discussed that the Arab Spring will not spread south of the Sahara just yet but where does the Libya crisis leave the AU?
Only 3 in 10 Standard 3 pupils can read a basic story in Swahili, only 1 in 10 can read a basic story in English. See the full report here for more details.
Saidia Zanzibar ( is an emergency fundraising website, to provide caring members of the public, in Zanzibar and the world at large, with a framework to commit some of their time and money for the assistance of those tragically affected by the disaster.
When we read cables released by WikiLeaks, we should know who wrote them and for what purpose.
A review and analysis of Eliaichi Kimaro’s insightful documentary “A Lot Like You”
How many times do you happen to do something that comes from a push within your heart?
Parapanda Theatre Lab & Gothenburg City Theatre present: Antigone
We recently received a recording of the Chipuchizi Youth Show on SIFA FM in Kenya, which seeks to explore issues concerning youth social networking on the Internet.
The ongoing famine/hunger crisis in East Africa couldn’t have come at any convenient time, but during the Holy Month of Ramadan…
Pernille Bærendtsen will launch a small exhibition with photos from Tanzania at the Ujamaa Gallery on Thursday, 25th August.
Doing Business, an initiative formed by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, has released its 2011 survey of doing business in the East African Community.
The Tanzania Youth Bank (YTB) begins operations in January 2012.
The Tanzania Youth Entrepreneurship Summit will be held on 29th and 30th September 2011 at Ubungo Plaza in Dar-es-Salaam.
We are in this situation because our government has firmly decided to be an undeciding government when it comes to serious issues for the advantage of common citizens.
Surely a nation half a century old must ask itself the tough question, what has it done with its freedom? Are we freer from poverty than we were fifty years ago? Are our children more literate than they were in 1961? Is the life for a normal Tanzanian any easier fifty years after independence?
A recap of what happened at D3, Dar’s first software developers challenge (hackathon).
The Startup Tanzania team are continuing the tech momentum with the first developer’s competition this weekend.
An analysis of Tanzania’s current fuel strike relative to Alfred Marshall’s Principles of Economics.
Pen&Mic III happens tonight at Saffron Restaurant, Nyerere Road, DSM from 7.30pm to 11.30pm.
Democratic government is supposed to bring about, more or less, the wants of the people. Tanzanian democracy should be no different. The problem with the Tanzanian people, however, is that they do not always know what they want.
Vijana FM received a letter yesterday from Nick, a character from “Sgolbew: A story about newspapers and opinions” and “Sgolbew Leaks: Information flow and secrecy”.
Guest blogger Omar Mohammed sat down with Tanzanian artist and lawyer Lotus Menezes to talk about her inspiration and creative process.