The 5 Facets of Being Unstoppable, by Miranda Naiman
There is no way you can miss the name Miranda Naiman on your list of superwomen, especially in business.
Whether it’s about inventing something new, or innovating on existing products and services, we define entrepreneurship as the process of creatively solving problems of today and tomorrow.
There is no way you can miss the name Miranda Naiman on your list of superwomen, especially in business.
The Innovation Week is Tanzania’s largest event held each year in Tanzania that aims to bring together technology industry players and leaders to promote innovation in the country.
Exactly 10 years after our first post on Blogger, we are humbled by the support, enthusiasm and prospects of East…
A recent article on highlights an exciting program that supports Tanzanian young entrepreneurs and agribusiness owners with training, finance…
A bedroom entrepreneur is someone who runs an online business out of the comfort of their home.
Contrary to what you might have heard, it’s not difficult to get started as a sole business owner in Tanzania.
Dr. Askwar Hilonga is the Tanzanian scientist behind a new water filtration system that is affordable and promises to save lives.
“The main purpose was to teach these girls soft skills, including entrepreneurship, so that they could improve their livelihoods”
Mobile technology serves as the perfect mechanism for collecting and managing premiums from people residing in remote areas.
High prices for basic consumption goods mean low savings and inability to meet one’s daily expenses at an older age, post retirement.
Internet of Things, a technology trend that involves connected devices solving problems is gaining increasing popularity in Africa.
Deputy Director for Pears Program talks to Vijana FM about the Israeli experience in Rwanada’s tech space.
“The tech ecosystem is in East Africa is […] still in its nascent stages but we have made leapfrogs, especially in mobile and web.”
The School Enterprise Challenge is an international business competition that seeks to support tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.
Youth group Agristars wins Microsoft software competition with a tool that analyzes soil.
Reason number 1: Rationing reduces citizens’ productivity.
Ni muhimu sana kwa vijana kuweka tofauti zao pembeni — mathalani tofauti za kiitikadi za kisiasa — na kuungana pamoja kuhakikisha wanang’amua ajenda zao kama kundi na kuzisimamia ipasavyo katika mchakato unaoendelea kuelekea uandikaji wa katiba mpya nchini.
Katika makala haya tatawamulika vijana kupitia mtazamo wa falsafa ya “vijana nguvu ya mabadiliko” na kuchambua kwa kina juu ya msukumo binafsi wa kijana wa Kitanzania juu ya uhitaji wake wa mabadiliko na nafasi yake katika kuleta na kuendeleza hayo mabadiliko.