Before it is late

Is there a reason for one to keep on being employed to work for a monthly salary, if one can earn the same salary, in fact an annual salary, over just one day? Article by Michael Dalali.

Africa In 2060: A Vision From Tunis

The African Development Bank is the designated “new” influential player in town and has produced a report that describes its vision of what Africa will look like in 2060. What it says and does not say is very telling and provides a valuable insight into what policy advice the Bank will be dispensing to regional governments today, and where its money will be deployed in the service of the future.

Buriani Mpiganaji na Shujaa Regia Mtema

“Nilimfahamu marehemu Regia kama kijana mwanaharakati na mpambanaji asiyechoka kupigania kile anachokiamini. Kipindi hiki harakati nyingi alizokuwa akizifanya, alizifanya kupitia harakati za kudai haki za msingi za vijana wa Tanzania, hususan haki za makundi maalumu wakiwamo watu wenye ulemavu, watoto, wanawake na vijana kwa ujumla.”