Uchaguzi 2010: NEC nirudishieni muda wangu!
Natafuta kibali cha kuandamana kwenda NEC kudai muda wangu walionipotezea Jumanne ya tarehe 2 Novemba, 2010.
Natafuta kibali cha kuandamana kwenda NEC kudai muda wangu walionipotezea Jumanne ya tarehe 2 Novemba, 2010.
How do we account for learning that takes place outside the classroom?
Nitawasilisha makala tatu kuhusu Uchaguzi Mkuu uliopita takribani majuma mawili yaliyopita. Nitajadili mambo ambayo yana budi kufumbiwa macho.
How is the East African Community planning for the integration of different systems of education in the future?
Walimu wangu wengine waliokuwa waking’ang’ania kufundisha kwa Kiingereza peke yake, walikuwa wanapata shida kuelezea vizuri mambo mbalimbali.
As we begin another phase of a government, I thought it would be appropriate to scrutinise Tanzania’s trajectory in its never-ending effort to liquidate underdevelopment. Below is a piece on Tanzania’s perverse industrialisation efforts. There’s a catch: before you reach the end of the article, can you guess which year this was written?
The first phase of the Echoing Green fellowship is due soon. Successful applicants of the fellowship earn investment for and technical assistance in their ideas.
Shaaban Fundi discusses his observations of schooling in Tanzania. He proposes a four-step approach to addressing education through policy and practice.
(Reuters) Tanzania’s presidential candidates made a last-ditch push for votes on Friday before an election on Sunday that is expected to attract record numbers of young voters in east Africa’s second largest economy.
APORDE facilitates collaboration between different stakeholders of economic development in Africa, and applications for their 2011 conference open soon.
The Economist sheds some light on Tanzania’s election and endorses Vijana FM’s push for youth activity in politics.
There is a lot of excitement about the use of the Internet across the African continent. But it never hurts to look a little deeper at the numbers before starting Internet-based projects.
By connecting investors with entrepreneurs, the BiD Network serves to create more than just support for social entrepreneurship ideas, but entire communities based on it.
Kuna miradi kadhaa kwenye mtandao ambayo inawapa fursa watu kutoka kona mbalimbali za dunia kupashana habari katika kipindi cha uchaguzi. Zifuatazo ni dondoo zao.
There are a few initiatives currently being run by online media that revolve around people-to-people reporting on election issues. Here, we try and outline them for you.
Sehemu ya tatu ya hadithi ya Magirini: yaliyotokea usiku wa Novemba 15 na asubuhi ya Novemba 16, 2002.
yellowmasai.com is a unique initiative by Mbwana Alliy, an ICT entrepreneur bringing a modern yet local approach to travel booking. He is also involved in a new initiative of establishing an ICT hub for budding developers in Tanzania.
Will uranium mining be a natural resource or curse to Tanzania?
Banks in Africa are becoming more and more attractive to China and its trading partners. Unless the youth do not want a stake in their own national banks, they need to do more business.
More and more technologists are finding ways to work with educationists, and vice versa. Find out how you can participate in a conference that aims to create a networking platform for both.
Every now and then Vijana FM recieves submissions from the public. Here is a letter that someone wanted to share with youth to conjure discussion.
Let us be a little more aware when it comes to our lifestyles. We can live sustainably. The question is, are we ready to make the shift, for the sake of our continent and our future?
Magirini anaendelea kutusimulia kisa cha mambo yaliyotokea usiku wa tarehe 15 Novemba, 2002.
Mambo yaliyonishtua kwenye hizi wiki chache zilizopita: mawazo ya vijana wa Tanzania ughaibuni, kuzorota kwa wa elimu Tanzania na ‘kuzimwa’ kwa chombo cha Ushahidi.
Is the Tanzanian government’s money to cover free primary education going where it is meant to go?
Are current investments in Tanzanian education yielding their expected outcomes? Yesterday we posted Uwazi’s primary education study. Today we post their secondary education study.