The Deafening Silence

Democratic government is supposed to bring about, more or less, the wants of the people. Tanzanian democracy should be no different. The problem with the Tanzanian people, however, is that they do not always know what they want.

Vijana Nguvu ya Mabadiliko

Katika makala haya tatawamulika vijana kupitia mtazamo wa falsafa ya “vijana nguvu ya mabadiliko” na kuchambua kwa kina juu ya msukumo binafsi wa kijana wa Kitanzania juu ya uhitaji wake wa mabadiliko na nafasi yake katika kuleta na kuendeleza hayo mabadiliko.

TZhiphop is live

TZhiphop is the necessary noise in Bongo’s music scene advocating for Tanzanian Hip Hop. The project is focuses on reconnecting Hip Hop fans and the conscious poetry in the lyrics that reflects the apparent hustles of our society.