
In Japanese, the term Sensei loosely means “teacher”, however its literal meaning, “person born before another”, is even more appropriate in encapsulating…

Goodbye 2012, hello 2013!

2012 year in review

The questions we are asking ourselves moving forward are: How do we organize ourselves such that we can produce offline content as well? With what means can we support content collection and creation for the longer term? And, most importantly, what kind of discussion do young people want to get involved with in Tanzania and greater East Africa?

Buriani Mpiganaji na Shujaa Regia Mtema

“Nilimfahamu marehemu Regia kama kijana mwanaharakati na mpambanaji asiyechoka kupigania kile anachokiamini. Kipindi hiki harakati nyingi alizokuwa akizifanya, alizifanya kupitia harakati za kudai haki za msingi za vijana wa Tanzania, hususan haki za makundi maalumu wakiwamo watu wenye ulemavu, watoto, wanawake na vijana kwa ujumla.”