This brief is from an extensive research that was done by Tamasha in different parts of the country, Tanzania. This particular brief looks at the challenges that the environment inflicts on the youths and how that impacts their health. The research reveals how the “youth are strongly affected by the environments in which they live, study and work”.
The research focuses on different environments that many youths are found in, for example in the schools. The research looks at how well equipped the schools are; which of course, determines how capable the school is in providing a good education to its young students.
Secondly, young peoples’ working environment and the challenges their environments imposes on them. For example, the young girls who work in the bars as barmaids, and the problems they face in their work place.
Thirdly, how little is addressed about young peoples’ health. The issue of nutritional needs for example. The health services only focus on the babies and the people living with HIV/Aids but not on the youths. The case here seems to be that; although the health services are doing something, but they are ignoring the needs of the youths.
Fourth and fifth, the findings tackle the issue of poor infrastructures, and how that contributes to the poor health of the young people. Thus, improvement of the infrastructures, will also improve the health of the youths, as these two are interdependent of each other.
What can be, and should be done?
Here are the first two first reports (the remaining three will be published tomorrow):

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